
The laboratory cultivation of plant cells is a critical technique in plant biology and biotechnology, serving a multitude of research and practical applications. The primary goals of this practice include studying plant cell behavior under controlled conditions, producing genetically modified plants, and generating valuable secondary metabolites. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the theoretical foundations, necessary laboratory preparations, detailed protocols for media preparation, and the specific procedures for inoculating and cultivating plant cells.

Theoretical Foundations of Plant Cell Cultivation

Plant cell culture refers to the in vitro cultivation of plant cells, tissues, or organs under sterile conditions on a nutrient culture medium of known composition. The technique relies on the principle of totipotency, which is the inherent capacity of a single plant cell to develop into a complete plant. This remarkable capability is leveraged in various applications, including genetic engineering, conservation of endangered species, and the production of plant-derived compounds.

The biological principles underpinning plant cell growth and development are central to successful cell culture. Plant cells require a balanced supply of nutrients, growth regulators, and appropriate environmental conditions to thrive. Key growth regulators include auxins and cytokinins, which influence cell division and differentiation. Understanding the interplay between these factors is essential for manipulating plant cell cultures to achieve desired outcomes, such as root or shoot formation, somatic embryogenesis, or callus induction.

Moreover, plant cell cultures can be broadly categorized into several types, each with unique characteristics and applications. Callus culture involves the proliferation of undifferentiated cells on a solid medium, often used for genetic transformation and secondary metabolite production. Suspension cultures, in which cells are grown in liquid media, are suitable for large-scale production of plant cells and metabolites. Other specialized cultures include protoplast cultures for studying cell wall regeneration and organ cultures for regenerating entire organs from explants.

Understanding these theoretical foundations provides the necessary context for practical applications of plant cell culture techniques. It highlights the importance of optimizing growth conditions and media composition to meet specific research objectives.

Preparation of Laboratory Equipment and Materials

Successful plant cell culture begins with the meticulous preparation of laboratory equipment and materials. The essential equipment includes laminar flow hoods for maintaining a sterile work environment, autoclaves for sterilizing media and instruments, incubators for controlling temperature, and microscopes for observing cell growth and development.

Sterilization is a critical step to prevent contamination by bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms. All glassware, such as Petri dishes, flasks, and pipettes, must be thoroughly cleaned and sterilized. This is typically achieved through autoclaving, which uses pressurized steam to eliminate any potential contaminants. Plasticware, such as disposable pipettes and culture dishes, should be sterilized using gamma irradiation or chemical sterilants.

In addition to sterilizing equipment, preparing the culture media under sterile conditions is vital. The media components, including macronutrients, micronutrients, vitamins, and growth regulators, must be measured accurately and dissolved in distilled water. After preparation, the media are sterilized by autoclaving and then cooled to a temperature that prevents denaturation of heat-sensitive components before use.

Ensuring that all equipment and materials are properly sterilized minimizes the risk of contamination, which can compromise the integrity of the cell cultures and the validity of experimental results. This preparation phase is foundational to establishing and maintaining healthy plant cell cultures.

Protocols for Preparation of Nutrient Media

The composition and preparation of nutrient media are crucial for the success of plant cell cultures. The media must provide all necessary nutrients, including macronutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and micronutrients such as iron, manganese, and zinc. Vitamins like thiamine and nicotinic acid are also essential for cellular metabolism.

  • Growth regulators, particularly auxins and cytokinins, play a pivotal role in directing cell growth and differentiation. The specific ratios and concentrations of these hormones depend on the desired outcome of the culture, such as promoting callus formation, rooting, or shoot development. The most commonly used media formulations include Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium, Gamborg’s B5 medium, and White’s medium, each tailored for different types of plant cell cultures.
  • The preparation of nutrient media involves dissolving the appropriate quantities of all components in distilled water, adjusting the pH to a suitable level (typically between 5.6 and 5.8), and then autoclaving the solution to ensure sterility. Some components, like certain vitamins and growth regulators, are heat-sensitive and must be filter-sterilized and added to the media after autoclaving.
  • Once prepared, the sterile media can be dispensed into culture vessels under aseptic conditions. These vessels, which might include Petri dishes, culture flasks, or bioreactors, are then ready to receive plant tissues or cells for cultivation. Maintaining sterility throughout this process is crucial to avoid contamination and ensure the health and viability of the plant cultures.

Procedures for Inoculation and Cultivation of Cells

The inoculation of plant cells into the prepared culture media is a delicate process that requires precision and adherence to sterile techniques. Before inoculation, the explant, or the plant tissue to be cultured, must be surface-sterilized to remove any potential contaminants. This typically involves treating the explant with a sterilizing agent, such as ethanol or a bleach solution, followed by thorough rinsing with sterile water.

Once the explant is prepared, it is transferred to the sterile culture medium using sterilized tools. This process, known as inoculation, must be performed in a laminar flow hood to maintain sterility. The placement of the explant in the medium should ensure good contact with the nutrients while avoiding damage to the tissue.

Cultivation conditions such as temperature, light, and humidity must be carefully controlled to promote optimal growth. Most plant cell cultures thrive at temperatures between 20-25°C, though this can vary depending on the species. Light conditions should mimic natural day-night cycles, typically providing 16 hours of light and 8 hours of darkness. Humidity levels should be maintained to prevent desiccation of the culture medium and the cells.

The maintenance of the cultures involves regular monitoring and subculturing to fresh media to provide continuous access to nutrients and prevent the build-up of toxic metabolites. Subculturing is usually performed every few weeks, depending on the growth rate of the cells. This process ensures the long-term health and productivity of the plant cell cultures.

Also, we advise you to read our other article, where we talked about laboratory experiments.


What is plant cell culture?

Plant cell culture refers to the cultivation of plant cells, tissues, or organs under sterile conditions in a nutrient-rich medium, leveraging the plant cell’s ability to regenerate into a complete plant.

What are key growth regulators in plant cell culture?

Key growth regulators in plant cell culture include auxins and cytokinins, which control cell division and differentiation, crucial for achieving specific outcomes like root or shoot formation.

What are some types of plant cell cultures and their applications?

Plant cell cultures include callus cultures for genetic transformation, suspension cultures for large-scale production, protoplast cultures for cell wall studies, and organ cultures for regenerating entire plant organs from explants, each serving unique research and application purposes.